Competency Based Training & Assessment enables riders to fast-track their licence from learner to restricted to full, and is a practical on road riding assessment at each level.


CBTA Restricted assessment - for riders on their learner licence wanting to progress to their restricted. There is no minimum time required to wait on your learner licence before attempting the CBTA Restricted test (Must be age 16.5 years before progressing to restricted).

CBTA Full assessment - for riders on their restricted licence wanting to progress to their full. Minimum time of 9 months is required on your restricted licence before attempting the CBTA Full test. Must be on restricted licence for 12 months before progressing to full.

The riding standard required to pass is extremely high. We strongly recommend attending training via our highly subsidised Ride Forever Bronze and Silver courses to learn and understand the CBTA assessment criteria before attempting your test.

Also recommended are our one on one 1 Hour Training Sessions and Pre-Test sessions offering specific feedback, and any areas for improvement, prior to attempting your test.

Ready to book CBTA?

FAQs - CBTA Courses

Where are CBTA courses run?